Editor: Files stored on S3 in your company's account - so they are your files. We here at Keaten House have no access to any of your files, as we only supply tools, and have no way to login to your account.
Fees from Amazon scale with usage, and are generally much much cheaper than other document management solutions - about $0.20 per GB per month, with no minimum.
In addition to your files, metadata such as icons, previews and search data are stored on Amazon, enabling these features:
- Preview files: from anywhere, without downloading them on the Web, iPad/iPhone, or Mac.
- Content search: Search all your files online using content and spotlight-like searches
- Full versioning: You can upload new Versions of files that you have edited, S3 tracks them for you.
- Email links: Send files of any size from iPhones and iPads, quickly and securely.
- Turn off your VPN: Amazon storage is reliable, secure, scalable and available anywhere. So why host files at the office?
- Lots of users: Spot Documents is suitable for organizations from 1 - 100+ employees.
- Standards based: Files are stored on S3 in a standard Manner, allowing other S3 tools to function properly.
- Lots of storage: Amazon promises unlimited storage. Spot Documents indexes your S3 repository so you can track hundreds of thousands of files.
- Mac / Apple friendly: Spot Documents is built by experienced developers, who 'Get' the whole Apple way. Don't worry though - Windows people have access via the web, iPad or iPhone.